For your incorruptible spirit is in all things.
Wherefore you convictest by little and little them that fall fall from the right way,
And, putting them in remembrance by the very things wherein they sin, do you admonish them,
That escaping from their wickedness they may believe on you, O Lord.
For verily the old inhabitants of your holy land,
Hating them because they practised detestable works of enchantments and unholy rites
Thein(Merciless slaughters of children,
And sacrificial banquets of men’s flesh and of blood),
Confederates in an impious fellowship,
And murderers of their own helpless babes,
It was your counsel to destroy by the hands of our fathers;
That the land which in your sight is most precious of all lands
Might receive a worthy colony of God’s servants.
Nevertheless even these you did spare as being men,
And you sent hornets as forerunners of your host,
To cause them to perish by little and little;
Not that you were unable to subdue the ungodly under the hand of the righteous in battle,
Or by terrible beasts or by one stern word to make away with them at once;
10 But judging them by little and little you gave them a place of repentance,
Not being ignorant that their nature by birth was evil, and their wickedness inborn,
And that their manner of thought would in no wise ever be changed,
11 For they were a seed accursed from the beginning:
Neither was it through fear of any that you did leave them then unpunished for their sins.
12 For who shall say, What have you done?
Or who shall withstand your judgement?
And who shall accuse you for the perishing of nations which you did make?
Or who shall come and stand before you as an avenger for unrighteous men?
13 For neither is there any God beside you that careth for all,
That you might show to him that you did not judge unrighteously:
14 Neither shall king or prince be able to look you in the face to plead for those whom you have punished.
15 But being righteous you rule all things righteously,
Deeming it a thing alien from your power
To condemn one that does not himself deserve to be punished.
16 For your strength is the beginning of righteousness,
And your sovereignty over all makes you to forbear all.
17 For when men believe not that you are perfect in power, you show your strength,
The And in in dealing with them that know it you put their boldness to confusion.
18 But you, being sovereign over your strength, judge in gentleness,
And with great forbearance do you govern us;
For the power is your whenever you have the will.
19 But you did teach your people by such works as these,
How that the righteous must be a lover of men;
And you did make your sons to be of good hope,
Because you give repentance when men have sinned.
20 For if on them that were enemies of your servants and due to death
You did take vengeance with so great heedfulness and indulgence,
Giving them times and place whereby they might escape from their wickedness;
21 With how great carefulness did you judge your sons,
To whose fathers you gave oaths and covenants of good promises!
22 While therefore you do chasten us, you scourge our enemies ten thousand times more,
To the intent that we may ponder your goodness when we judge,
And when we are judged may look for mercy.
23 Wherefore also the unrighteous that lived in folly of life
You did torment through their own abominations.
24 For verily they went astray very far even in the ways of error,
Taking as gods those livingand animals which even among their enemies were held in dishonor,
Deceived like foolish babes.
25 Therefore, as to unreasoning children, you did send your judgement to mock them.
26 But they that would not be admonished byby by a mocking correction as of children
Shall have experience of a judgement worthy of God.
27 For through the sufferings whereat they were indignant,
Being punished in these creatures which they supposed to be gods,
They saw, and recognized as the true God him whom before they denied refused to know:
Wherefore also the last end of condemnation came upon them.
1:1+1:1Gr.in1:1goodness.1:3+1:3Gr.1:3convicts.1:5+1:5Gr.1:5convicted.1:6+Some1:6authorities readthe1:6spirit of wisdom is loving to man.1:6+1:6Or,1:6reviler1:7+1:7Gr.the1:7inhabited earth.1:8+Some1:8authorities readNor1:8indeed.1:14+Or,1:14allthe1:14racesof1:14creaturesin1:14the world1:14+1:14Or,a1:14royal house1:16+1:16Or,1:16Hades1:16Gr.1:16him.1:16+1:16Or,were1:16consumedwith1:16love of him2:1+2:1Or,2:1among2:1+2:1Or,returned2:1out of Hades2:2+2:2Or,reason2:2is a spark2:2kindledby2:2the beating of our heart2:4+2:4Gr.weighed2:4down.2:5+2:5Or,there2:5is no putting back of our end2:5+2:5Or,comes2:5again2:6+2:6Or,that2:6are2:6+2:6Gr.2:6earnestly.2:6+Some2:6authorities readeven2:6as our youth.2:7+Some2:7authorities read2:7air.2:11+2:11Gr.2:11convicted.2:12+2:12Or,2:12law2:13+2:13Or,2:13child2:20+2:20Gr.there2:20shall be a visitation of him out of his words.2:21+2:21Or,2:21malice2:23+Some2:23authorities read2:23everlastingness.3:9+3:9Or,they3:9that are faithful through love shall abide with him3:10+3:10Or,that3:10which is righteous3:14+3:14Or,the3:14grace of3:14God’s3:14chosen3:14Gr.a3:14chosen grace.3:18+Some3:18authorities read3:18have3:19+3:19Gr.the3:19ends...are grievous.4:1+4:1Gr.of4:1it.4:2+4:2Gr.in4:2the age.4:3+4:3Gr.4:3from4:3+4:3Or,4:3offshoots4:4+4:4Gr.in4:4boughs flourish.4:11+4:11Or,4:11malice4:13+4:13Gr.4:13times.4:14+4:14Or,he4:14hastened4:14him4:14away4:15+4:15Gr.such4:15a thing as this.4:15+4:15Gr.his4:15visitation is with.4:18+4:18Or,be4:18for outrage4:19+4:19Or,be4:19a perpetual desolation4:20+4:20Or,when4:20they reckon up their sins5:2+5:2Or,5:2him5:3+5:3Or,5:3among5:3+5:3Or,reproach,5:3we fools: we accounted5:7+See5:7Proverbs 14:14.5:8+5:8Gr.5:8with5:11+5:11Or,with5:11the violent rush, is passed through by the motion of her wings5:13+5:13Gr.5:13failed.5:14+5:14Gr.as5:14foam chased to thinness:5:14or,as5:14thin foam chased.5:14+Most5:14Greek authorities readhoar5:14frost:some5:14authorities, perhaps rightly,a5:14spider’s web.5:17+5:17Or,to5:17repel his enemies6:2+6:2Or,in6:2the multitudes of your nations6:4+6:4Or,the6:4law6:6+6:6Gr.put6:6to the test.6:8+6:8Gr.6:8strong.6:9+6:9Gr.fall6:9not aside.6:10+6:10Or,accounted6:10holy6:11+6:11Gr.6:11disciplined.6:17+6:17Or,her6:17beginning is the true desire6:17+6:17Gr.6:17truest.6:19+6:19Gr.makes6:19to be near.6:22+6:22Or,from6:22her first beginning6:23+6:23Gr.6:23wasted.6:23+6:23Gr.6:23this7:1+Many7:1authorities reada7:1mortal man.7:3+7:3Gr.of7:3like qualities.7:4+7:4Gr.7:4in.7:12+Some7:12authorities readfirst7:12origin.7:14+7:14Gr.prepare7:14for themselves.7:14+7:14Gr.for7:14the sake of the presents that come of discipline.7:15+7:15Or,according7:15to7:15his7:15mind7:15Or,according7:15to7:15my7:15mind7:15+Some7:15authorities readis7:15said.7:19+7:19Or,7:19constellations7:20+7:20Or,7:20spirits7:22+7:22Gr.7:22Sole-born.7:25+7:25Gr.7:25vapor.7:29+7:29Gr.every7:29arrangement of stars.7:30+7:30Gr.to7:30this.8:1+8:1Or,reaches8:1from end onward to end mightily8:1+8:1Or,to8:1good use8:4+Some8:4authorities read8:4devisethfor8:4him.8:6+The8:6Greek text of this clause is perhaps corrupt.8:6+8:6Gr.8:6she.8:7+8:7Gr.Her8:7labors are.8:8+Some8:8authorities readhow8:8to divine the things of old and the things to come.8:8+8:8Gr.8:8conjectures.8:9+8:9Or,hold8:9counsel with me for good things, and...against cares and grief8:9+8:9Or,8:9exhort8:9Or,8:9advise8:11+8:11Or,mighty8:11men8:15+8:15Gr.8:15multitude.8:18+8:18Gr.practice8:18of communion.8:19+8:19Or,a8:19goodly child8:21+This8:21is the probable sense: the Greek text is perhaps defective.8:21+8:21Gr.of8:21whom is the grace.9:1+9:1Gr.Lord9:1of your mercy.Compare9:12 Samuel 7:15; Psalm 89:49.9:1+9:1Gr.9:1in.9:4+9:4Gr.9:4thrones.9:4+9:4Or,9:4children9:8+9:8Or,a9:8place of sacrifice9:8+9:8Gr.9:8tabernacling.9:9+9:9Gr.9:9in.9:12+9:12Gr.9:12thrones.9:14+The9:14Greek text here is perhaps corrupt.9:15+9:15Or,muses9:15upon many things9:16+9:16Gr.9:16conjecture.9:17+9:17Or,had9:17given...and sent9:17+9:17Gr.from9:17the highest.10:1+10:1Gr.10:1She.10:5+10:5Gr.10:5She10:6+10:6Gr.10:6she10:6+That10:6is,the10:6region of the five cities.10:7+10:7Or,10:7distrustful10:8+10:8Or,by10:8their life10:8+10:8Gr.10:8wherein.10:8+10:8Gr.10:8stumbled.10:10+10:10Gr.10:10she.10:12+10:12Gr.every10:12one.10:13+10:13Gr.10:13she.10:13+10:13Or,from10:13the sinof10:13his brethren...into10:13a pit10:15+10:15Gr.10:15she.11:3+11:3Or,took11:3vengeance on foes11:4+11:4Or,the11:4steep rock11:4+See11:4Deuteronomy 8:15; Psalm 114:8.11:6+The11:6text of this verse is perhaps corrupt.11:8+11:8Gr.the11:8then thirst.11:13+Some11:13authorities readwere11:13being.11:14+Some11:14authorities readcast11:14forth in hatred they.11:14+11:14Or,they11:14marveledat11:14him11:18+Some11:18authorities readunknown11:18wild beasts, full of new-created rage.11:19+11:19Gr.11:19harmfulness.11:22+11:22Gr.that11:22which just turns.11:22+11:22Gr.11:22from.11:26+11:26Or,11:26souls12:2+12:2Gr.fall12:2aside.12:5+The12:5words rendered12:5slaughters12:5and12:5impiousin12:5verses 5 and 6 differ but slightly from the readings of the Greek text, which here yield no sense.12:7+12:7Or,12:7children12:8+12:8Or,12:8wasps12:17+The12:17Greek text here is perhaps corrupt.12:17+12:17Or,in12:17them12:20+12:20Or,12:20children12:24+12:24Or,even12:24beyond12:24+12:24Gr.living12:24creatures:and12:24so elsewhere in this book.12:26+12:26Or,by12:26a correction, which was as children’s play12:26Gr.by12:26child-play of correction.12:27+12:27Or,denied12:27that they knew